We’re Still Here, and We Still Want TaB

We’re TaB drinkers on a mission to save our soda.

The SaveTaBSoda Committee was formed in October 2020, shortly after the Coca-Cola Company announced the planned discontinuation of TaB soda.

We’ve been working to convince Coca-Cola to bring TaB back into production.  We’ve done plenty of outreach efforts to Coca-Cola, Bottlers, Retailers, and other stakeholders. And we’ve also worked on larger projects that were intended to get us some media coverage (see all of the stories here) such as installing Billboards in Atlanta.

We think our work is starting to make an impact–but there is MUCH MORE work to do. We heard (and hope you did too) in a televised interview in January of Coca-Cola’s CEO that there was “a possibility” of a TaB run in the future–however, nothing has been promised.

We see this comment as a good sign, as it indicates that Coca-Cola is listening to customers and open to the idea of a TaB return. They have not yet taken action–but they are hearing us, which is a good sign!

Our group is going to “boost” our efforts once again to try to convince Coca-Cola of the true value of TaB to their portfolio and to consumers alike.

We’re kicking off our fundraising* once again so that we can focus on projects to gain attention for TaB. If you are interested in helping by donating, we thank you so much in advance for your help. Even if you can only donate a small amount (perhaps the cost of a case of TaB)–you’re helping the collective cause!

We’re all volunteers, and every little bit helps us with big projects (like the billboards and issuing press releases) as well as the smaller projects (like postage and printing for mass mailings to executives and stakeholders).

Please consider donating to help us, or sharing this request with your social circle. Thank you!

*SaveTaBSoda Committee is a registered nonprofit organization.  All of the funds raised will be added to our general fund to support our cause.  None of the volunteer members will profit from any funds raised. When Coca-Cola brings TaB back, any surplus funds will be donated to a charitable cause–and we’ll happily share that information.  

Any and all funds raised will be used to support our mission of gaining attention for TaB soda. 

Please note:  our organization is not a 501(c)(3), so donations are not tax deductible.

Will TaB Return in 2024??

As the SaveTaBSoda Committee was taking some time to debrief from a busy 2023 and starting to brainstorm a 2024 full of activities designed to convince the Coca-Cola Company to bring back TaB–we heard some interesting news.

Yesterday, January 17th, Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey, was interviewed on the CNBC Morning show SquawkBox. He was asked about the Coca-Cola brands that had been discontinued, such as Aha! sparkling water, Zico Coconut, and of course TaB soda. His response was interesting in that he addressed TaB drinkers directly. “I still get a lot of lobbying on TaB…so for all the TaB lovers out there, there could be a moment with a special run.”

“I still get a lot of lobbying on TaB…so for all the TaB lovers out there, there could be a moment with a special run.”

Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey, on CNBC Squawk Box

Here’s our take on his comments:

  • It’s exciting to hear the CEO talk about TaB directly, and it does show that our efforts to reach Coca-Cola are paying off. They’re listening to their customers!
  • This is by no means a “done deal.” He said there could be a moment for TaB. Let’s see what that means, but in the meantime, make sure you keep letting Coca-Cola know that you would like to have TaB back. Their number is 800.GET.COKE. 

We’re cautiously optimistic after hearing this sound byte, and hoping we get a chance to enjoy some TaB in 2024. We hope you’ll continue to follow along with us as we watch and see!

-SaveTaBSoda Committee

Twelve Days of TaB Requests

During this holiday season, we’d like all of you to share your passion for TaB with the Coca-Cola company. Twelve days in a row.

Instead of the traditional lyrics to the Twelve Days of Christmas song, we’ve come up with our own TaB-themed lyrics to the classic tune.

Each day (starting MONDAY 12/11), we’ll release a verse on Facebook. In addition to singing along to our new lyrics–we’d like each of you to take a moment to contact Coca-Cola to request TaB back.

Simple Instructions

  • Us: We release 12 Days of song verses on Facebook.
  • You: You contact Coca-Cola each day with 12 separate requests for TaB to come back using this link: https://www.coca-colacompany.com/about-us/contact-us
    • Then comment about your participation on our Facebook posts so we can see who’s joining in on the fun.

On this page, you can select the “I have a question” under “How can we help” and from there you can fill out the online request form. If you prefer to make a phone call instead or want to “mix it up,” feel free to call 800.GET.COKE and let them know you’re interested in seeing TaB made available again.

Thanks in advance for your support, and happy holidays to you and yours!

#SaveTaBSoda Committee

A BIG THANK YOU to Everyone Who Sent Cards and Letters for TaB!

We at the SaveTaBSoda Committee wanted to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every one of you who took the time to send us letters, cards, photographs, and stories about TaB that we were able to take to Atlanta (Coca-Cola’s hometown) to share with Coca-Cola executives.

If it weren’t for all of you pouring out your hearts (in writing) for TaB, we wouldn’t have had so many reasons to go to Atlanta (besides enjoying some TaB on fountain–which we definitely did!)

In-Person Attendees

We understand that it was a very expensive and time consuming proposition to ask TaB drinkers from around the United States to travel to Atlanta–so we were not expecting a large turnout–however, we were very proud to get 13 attendees at our in-person event who represented TaB drinkers from seven different states! An extra special THANK YOU to those who travelled as well as those who were local to Georgia who attended the events (all at their own expense). We had a great time and felt like we accomplished a lot in our short visit.

The Mail Received

We collected 60th Birthday correspondence from TaB all summer long. More than 100 separate cards sent in by you were delivered (in person) to a Coca-Cola executive on Friday 10/20. This is why we’re so grateful! You all told your stories and requested TaB back–and we were simply the messengers bringing your requests (and ours) directly to Coca-Cola.

Now that we’ve completed that activity, we are officially closing our post office box. If you missed the opportunity to send us your mail–and still want to send something–please direct it to Coca-Cola going forward (address below).

The Coca-Cola Company

Attn: CEO Mr. James Quincey

1 Coca-Cola Plaza NW

Atlanta, GA 30313

Coca-Cola Address for Correspondence (make it attention to the chief executive officer).

What’s Next?

Let’s hope for the best response from Coca-Cola from this recent event. But let’s also be realistic in our expectations, knowing that this would be a MAJOR decision for a REALLY large company to make. Even if we are influencing individuals at Coca-Cola, we need to keep working to convince the right people how a TaB comeback would be a good decision for their business. This is a long process, and we are not giving up!

TaB is not back yet–so the committee is starting to brainstorm our next campaign event. If you have ideas you would like to share with us on what we could work on next, please contact us.

More to come soon! #SaveTaBSoda

Atlanta Recap! 

TaB is 60!

A group of dedicated TaB drinkers attended our TaB 60th Birthday Celebration event from seven different states (Georgia, Nebraska, Colorado, Massachusetts, California, Louisiana, Washington).  Some members flew to Atlanta, and some drove—including one who drove over 2,300 miles.  The furthest distance traveled was by the member who flew over 2,600 miles from Seattle.  How’s that for dedication to TaB?

If you weren’t aware–the SaveTaBSoda Committee has been meeting virtually on a regular basis since the end of 2020, so this was our very first time meeting in person.  It was such a great experience seeing one another “in real life,” and we enjoyed the chance to celebrate our favorite beverage, TaB! 

Thursday Night (10/19):  Welcome to Atlanta!

We met at one of the committee member’s homes on Thursday night for a welcome cocktail party.  The theme involved TaB, of course, and guests received welcome gift goodie bags with stickers, TaB candles, holiday ornaments, sugar cookies (with TaB design on top), there were some armadillo shortbread cookies as well, and various stickers and other memorabilia.  Enjoying a wide assortment of delicious appetizers and beverages—we had an opportunity to swap stories about our favorite soda.  While TaB wasn’t officially on the menu, one member brought an entire 12-pack of TaB to share with the group!  How generous is that?!?   There was enough TaB for everyone to have a drink.

At the party, we had a chance to view all of the birthday cards, letters, stories, and photographs sent in to the committee over the past several months—and we all agreed—Coca-Cola is going to really appreciate the outpouring of support for TaB….folks went above and beyond with what they sent in.  A lot of heartfelt messages and stories about TaB graced our post office box and are now with Coca-Cola.

A collection of TaB letters, cards, photographs and stories from TaB drinkers around the U.S.

Friday Morning/Early Afternoon (10/20):  TaB 60th Celebration

After a fantastic welcome party on Thursday night, we woke up early Friday morning to meet up for our private tour of World of Coca-Cola.  If you’re not familiar with the venue—it’s a museum that tells the history of Coca-Cola and concludes with a stop in the “tasting room.”   During our history tour, we actually learned of TaB’s official birthday.  It was born on Valentine’s Day (2/14) 1963 (so our birthday celebration was a little belated—but that’s OK).

From the time the TaB group arrived at the World of Coca-Cola until we exited the gift shop, we felt SO WELCOMED by all of the staff at World of Coca-Cola.   We felt like VIPs from start to finish. 

-SaveTaBSoda Committee

When we arrived at World of Coca-Cola, we were all wearing various TaB-themed apparel (one person even wore a TaB can costume).  Of course we worked throughout our visit to win over other guests in the venue as well to convert them into TaB fans.  We handed out plenty of actual “TaB fans” (cardboard heart-shaped fans with a picture of TaB that said “I’m a TaB fan” and even a QR code to sign our petition).  Many of the other guests and staff at World of Coca-Cola were pleased to see us (a lot of “I remember TaB…” impromptu conversations happened) and happily accepted our “TaB fans” as gifts.  In fact, the security guard who let us in the gate, holding one of our TaB fans, greeted us with “Welcome to World of Coca-Cola—there’s plenty of TaB here for you to enjoy today.”

The Tasting Room

At the end of our tour, which lasted approximately an hour, we headed into the tasting room.  The tasting room offers visitors the experience of trying many unique/obscure Coca-Cola products available around the world.  Of course, for TaB drinkers the focus was on tasting our favorite soda—TaB.   There are six fountains in the room carrying TaB on tap—and we had plenty of time to enjoy our fill.  There’s no limit to how much TaB you can drink—other than how long you want to stay in a room full of soda fountains with nowhere to sit down.   A quick $5 purchase allowed us to buy a to-go cup—which most of us took advantage of.  The TaB was incredibly effervescent, fresh, and flowing freely.  TaB fans weren’t the only ones drinking it—many other guests were quite curious about TaB.

After a stop in the gift shop (where many of us purchased TaB T-shirts), our group headed over to the Bottle Cap Café to enjoy lunch and had some TaB-pink cupcakes.  We sang Happy Birthday to TaB and then headed back to the World of Coca-Cola for a newspaper interview.   

Wait…a newspaper interview?  Let’s rewind a bit to explain…

The committee had been working for weeks to reach officials at Coca-Cola to advise them about our visit and to organize a time to walk over to headquarters and drop off the collection of cards.  We finally reached them on Friday (the day of our World of Coca-Cola tour).

It turned out that many of the Coca-Cola North America Executives were at an offsite meeting, but they said they were still interested in collecting and reviewing the cards sent in by the TaB lovers—and wanted to arrange a way to obtain them.  We opted for meeting a representative from Coca-Cola (one who was working in Atlanta) outside of the World of Coca-Cola.  A representative from Coca-Cola North America Public Relations stopped by and collected the large bag carrying all of the TaB lovers’ cards, stories, photos, etc.   He assured us that he would share them with the executives responsible for the TaB brand.  (We kept our own copies as well). 

We handed off the TaB cards to a representative from Coca-Cola (he asked that we not publish photos of him per company policy). He walked from headquarters to meet us.
The Coca-Cola representative even graciously agreed to re-create the card handoff, this time with our representative in full TaB costume.

In addition to sharing the cards with Coca-Cola, we sent the executive who was offsite and couldn’t meet us in person a photograph of our group outside the World of Coca-Cola gift shop in our full TaB apparel, and he said “Wow! That’s amazing and I hope you’re enjoying the visit and gathering.  I’ll share this more broadly internally as well.”

Some of our group of TaB fans (many with full glasses of TaB) after leaving the gift shop with TaB shirts and other merchandise.

One thing we want to make very clear—we believe it’s great that Coca-Cola took the time to talk to us and send someone over to meet us.  We felt like they cared about what we (and all of you) have to say about TaB.   

Media Coverage

It’s important to note that during our visit to Atlanta, there were some events occurring all around the city that were much more newsworthy than a visit from TaB fans.  However, that being said, we were still able to get an interview with a reporter from the local Atlanta newspaper.  

TaB fans being interviewed by the local Atlanta newspaper.

The dozen or so TaB friends who were present at World of Coca-Cola spent about 30 minutes with the reporter and had the opportunity to weigh in on a story that we hope will show up in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper in the near future.  Once we learn more (or when a story is published) we will share more details.   Additionally, we are still in conversations with several other journalists, in hopes that we can get additional media coverage surrounding the TaB 60th event.

Friday Evening/Farewell:

After a busy morning and afternoon, we had a farewell dinner at a local restaurant (Ted’s Montana Grill) and began to talk about our next steps and our next in-person gathering.   As we reflected on the day, we all felt we had made significant progress toward the #SaveTaBSoda effort, with more work to do.   

Our farewell dinner.

Summary of our WINS:

  1. We had a physical presence of consumers who were visible to Coca-Cola—many who traveled across the country for the brand they love.  (Consumers put their money where their mouth is—they’re serious about getting the product back).
  2. Those from our group who attended acted as ambassadors for the broader TaB-drinking community and were able to deliver the TaB lovers’ messages directly to Coca-Cola.  There are a lot of us who truly care about the product.
  3. An actual representative from Coca-Cola took the time to meet up with us to collect the TaB cards and assured us they will share our comments with the executive leadership of Coca-Cola North America.
  4. Several Coca-Cola employees were in touch with us during the course of the day.  Coca-Cola took the time to ensure the TaB drinkers had a successful visit.
  5. Even during a busy news day—TaB drinkers got a media interview—and we are hopeful for a story.
  6. Our Group remains positive about getting TaB back—we will continue to work to convince Coca-Cola and Bottlers that TaB deserves another shot.

What’s next?  

The SaveTaBSoda Committee had a wonderful time in Atlanta and feels very positive about how the event went—but obviously, TaB is not back yet.

We are already starting to plan out the “next big thing” we’ll work on.  We’d love it if more TaB drinkers were actively involved in the planning (and helping us brainstorm events).  If you have any interest in joining our committee—please contact us!   And if you can’t help in the committee—consider other ways you can help—share our petition, or send us a donation*.   Stay tuned for more soon!  #SaveTaBSoda

*Note:  Donations we receive go toward the campaigns we’ve done such as putting up billboards, postage for sending letters and packages to Coca-Cola and bottlers and issuing press releases, as well as maintaining our website (and other TBD future activities).  We want to note that the entire Atlanta trip (travel and activities) was paid for by each individual attendee–and no donations were used for any of the activities.  SaveTaBSoda is a nonprofit and we use funds we obtain for the sole purpose of getting attention for TaB.

We Are Gathering TaB 60th Birthday Cards!

  • Send us your birthday cards/letters requesting TaB back (important:-send to us, not Coca-Cola).
  • SaveTaBSoda Committee will hand deliver all the cards to Coca-Cola this fall when we visit Atlanta.

More Information

Since the announcement that TaB was going to be discontinued in 2020–we know that you all have made numerous phone calls and sent countless letters and e-mails to Coca-Cola. While it’s difficult for us to know how many contacts have been made–we know the numbers are significant. However, the downside of you all sending letters to Coca-Cola directly is that none of us know how many were sent, and truly just how many of us are out there asking for TaB. Coca-Cola may or may not respond to letters individually, and that’s typically been the end of it. But it doesn’t have to be that way…

Grouping Our Mail Together (It’s a Birthday Bundle!)

We think we can make your individual requests stronger by combining them with others. Our voices are amplified when we all work together.

Send Your Request for TaB to Us (SaveTaBSoda Committee)!

Instead of mailing your next request for TaB to Coca-Cola–we want you to mail it to us! We will not only be able to hand-deliver it to Coca-Cola, but we have the added benefit of being able to count the number of letters received, publicize how many are coming in, and generally bring more excitement to the letter-writing process itself. We’ll work to get news stories generated about our efforts.

With the timing of TaB’s 60th year in 2023–let’s just call it a Birthday (or anniversary?) card shower for TaB!

We’ve set up a post office box in Atlanta Georgia for the Save TaB Soda Committee. Please start writing and sending your birthday-themed requests for TaB to this address starting immediately.

Once we’ve collected all of your requests–we’ll be bundling them together (hopefully boxes and boxes of letters and cards) and delivering them directly to Coca-Cola–complete with photographs of the stacks of mail published on social media–and sharing the story of TaB and its dedicated fanbase showering TaB with birthday love–with the Atlanta news media.


We’ll be collecting mail on behalf of TaB drinkers this summer (July-September), but please don’t delay!)–please send in your request (or requests) just like we are Coca-Cola. The SaveTaBSoda Committee will make sure to deliver every single one of your requests to Coca-Cola on your behalf.

Ideas of what to send:

  • Postcards– a simple one-sided postcard telling us where you are from and why you want TaB back.
  • Birthday/Anniversary Cards–Store-bought or handmade–be creative!
  • A letter–Handwritten letters are great! Tell us why you want TaB back.
  • Photographs or other items–Send us an envelope with your favorite TaB photo and a note saying why you’d like to see it available again.
  • Let us know in the comments if you have other ideas for mail that we could encourage others to generate.

Let’s Go!

Please Start Mailing your Letters To:

*Note: We’ll be collecting letters from you for a limited-time only (this summer), and once this promotion is over, please start re-routing your letters to Coca-Cola.

Super Easy Activity to Support TaB

We’ve all been working really hard contacting Coca-Cola about TaB—and we must continue to keep that up.   But we’ve found another easy way for all of us to continue showing demand for our favorite soda.

There are several companies (stores) that sold TaB before it was discontinued that still show it listed on their website for sale (of course, OUT OF STOCK).  

What we’d like you to do is click on ALL of the links to these TaB pages at ALL of the stores, to show you are interested in the product.   If enough consumers are clicking on the pages, it does show up to the companies hosting the websites.  

And…if you’d like to take things one step further—reach out to these stores directly (call or email) and tell them you saw TaB on their website and you want to know when it will be back in stock.   If they say they can’t get it back, ask how you can get your request to buy TaB sent over to their Coca-Cola contact. 

This allow us to:

  1. Keep showing there is demand for TaB (hopefully with Stores contacting Coca-Cola this time, not just consumers)
  2. Shows these stores consumers are interested in a product they can’t carry.  They should want to try to acquire it if they see demand is there.

Please click these links—and contact the stores to inquire about TaB!

We’re Going to Atlanta — Who Wants to Join Us?

The SaveTaBSoda Committee is planning an event in Atlanta!!   

(Date:  Friday, October 20, 2023)

We are going to:

  • Visit the World of Coca-Cola
    • Visit the Tasting Room (TaB has been available at times–hopefully it will be there when we visit!)
  • Deliver messages to Coca-Cola from TaB drinkers (more info will come out about this soon). 
  • (TBD:  additional activities that day to draw attention to TaB and our cause dedicated to bringing it back).

We need to start planning—so let us know if you want to join us.  Participants will be responsible for their own travel, accommodations, and activity expenses including admittance to World of Coca-Cola. A block of hotel rooms will be reserved at a discounted rate for our group for those traveling from out of town.

Please complete this interest questionnaire so we have a better idea of how many people may participate.   Those who are interested will receive a formal invitation with RSVP once we have finalized the day’s details.

Reach out if you have any questions–we’re still in the very early stages of planning this event, but we’ll do our best to help!

Let’s Finish our Calling Campaign Strong!

We’re halfway through our calling campaign (5/4 and 5/5) where we’re contacting Coca-Cola (800.GET.COKE) and asking for TaB back!

Let’s make sure we finish strong tomorrow with LOTS of phone calls.

A few important notes to share about the event so far:

  1. First off, THANK YOU to every single one of you who made a phone call. And EXTRA thanks to those of you who made multiple calls (you know who you are, and so do we :))
  2. Secondly, if you made a call, and didn’t fill out our form–please make sure you do. It helps us understand how many calls were made, and it also gets you a chance to win a prize! (If you don’t want a chance to win the prize, please still fill out the form. You don’t have to share your contact details. Just tell us your first name, when you called, and what happened on the call).
  3. This is probably the most important note. We really need to see more participation if we want to make a difference and change minds at Coca-Cola. We were asking for hundreds of calls–and so far, based on the number of folks who submitted our form–we have fallen short of our goal. But there’s still time–we have ONE MORE DAY left!
    • If you want TaB back, (and we know you do if you’re following along here), you need to take a few moments to make a phone call. It takes less than 2 minutes. Don’t count on someone else doing the work. Each one of us must make an effort. We’ll all be able to share in the success if we can change Coca-Cola’s mind on TaB–but if we don’t work together (this is truly a group effort), we’ll have a hard time making a difference.
  4. We LOVED reading your updates from your phone calls. Here’s a sampling of what a few of you said happened on your calls.
    • I spoke with a nice young man, by the name of Sterling, who indicated he would pass my comments along to the quality assurance team. He asked if I would like to submit my name, ZIP Code, email, or any other specific comments or contact information. The call lasted maybe two minutes.
    • I spoke to Tiffany and asked that Coke bring back TaB, that I drank TaB for over 50 years and I really miss it. She said she’d pass the comment along.
    • Had to wait a very long time to speak to an agent. I think the Coca-Cola Company was not ready for an onslaught of calls!
    • I told the young lady after waiting on the line for quite a while that I was literally at the Atlanta airport (waiting on a friend) thinking about how Atlanta as the home of Coca-Cola just might consider bringing back the drink of choice for many TABaholics across the country!
    • After telling the young man I sure would like to see the Coke Company bring back TaB – he replied, “Oh yes! You have definitely called the right place. We care about our customers!”
    • The operator took my request and was very polite. I suggested that if they didn’t want market it all the time why don’t they sell it via soda stream? Or sell it twice a year so we can stock up?

Let’s make Friday 5/5 (tomorrow) the day that TaB soda becomes the proverbial big topic at the water cooler in the Coca-Cola contact center!

Fill out the form so we can track the calls made AND for a chance to win a prize.

Let’s Call Coca-Cola!

As we shared previously, we’re all calling Coca-Cola on 5/4 and 5/5 to request TaB back! If you participate by making call(s) and let us know, you have a chance* of winning the prize below!

*A chance to win an M2 Machines Limited Edition TaB toy truck and car collectible.

When: 5/4/2023 – 5/5/2023 (All Day 9AM ET – 7PM ET)

Where: Wherever. Call 800.GET.COKE Ask for TaB back–ask to file a formal request and/or complaint about it.

Track Your Call/How to Win: We have one prize to give away at this time. If you’d like to be added to the list we will use to randomly select the winner–make your call–and afterward–fill out our form. (Fill out the form once for each call you make). We’ll ask your name and e-mail address, and how your call(s) went. When we select a winner, we’ll share on our Facebook page. NOTE: Even if you aren’t interested in registering for the prize–please still tell us about your call so we can track how many participants we have. You only need to tell us your first name and how the call went.

*Note: We’re looking for calls to occur on these two days from lots of consumers. So only calls made on these days with a form entry will qualify. (Calling other days is also still recommended!)

This promotion runs on the honor system, of course–so make some calls and let us know about them!

If this event proves successful (lots of calls and entries), we’ll look at doing more like it in the future. And if you have a potential TaB-themed prize to offer up as a future giveaway, let us know about it!